Hunab Ku and the Day Out of Time at Dev Aura, England
by Avani, Kin 55
The vision of a connection of the Law of Time with not only the Aura-Soma system but also with the land of the Shire Farm was initiated in 2006 in Oregon. It was a Blue Electric Storm day when Mike Booth, Director of Aura-Soma, and I met Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan and Stephanie South/Red Queen, in Oregon.
This vision was reinforced and became a possibility in September 2015 when Mike came to visit Stephanie at the end of a seminar on Synchronotron that was organized in Italy. It was here that he reiterated the invitation to come for the dedication of the Galactic Tree of Life that was going to be installed on Shire Farm.
The completion of this vision came manifested became a reality on July 21st 2016 at the Shire Farm. Stephanie, Mike and I arrived at the Galactic Tree of Life after having walked along the Chakra Path. On the walk, Mike introduced Stephanie to all the facets of the sacred landscape and the many carved stones, as we absorbed all the knowledge about their origins, feeling their texture and what they were emanating and embodying.
In a beautiful slow flow, taking from the land, giving to the land, in a mutual activation, going down to the Root of the Root and coming up to the crown chakra, we finally ended up at the Crown of the Crown where the Galactic Tree of Life had been imprinted on the land,
20 ancient white stones from India representing the 20 Solar Tribes, beautifully carved by Kerstin Schipper, our fairy warrior, that create the template of the Galactic Tree of Life with the 5 Courts: The Court of the Avatar, the Compassionate One, the Prophet, the Pathfinder and the central, Hunab Ku 21, the Court of Matrix. It was as if something belonging to the 5th dimension had been brought from the Galaxy to Earth, the 3rd dimension, through the 4th dimension of time, of Synchronic Order.
Presently, we remained silent, connecting the different dimensions, standing on our archetypes, while Stephanie activated Hunab Ku 21 with the crystal that had belonged to Valum Votan and had been buried near the Temple of Inscriptions, downloading all the codes that now were shared with Shire Farm. A continuum between Palenque and Tetford of Codices of Light, sent to the Earth by the Galactic Maya through Pacal Votan, decoded by Valum Votan and now implanted on Shire Farm by Stephanie, thanks to a syncronicity that brought together the Law of Time and Aura-Soma, Jose Arguelles and Stephanie South, Mike Booth and Avani.
Close by, connected through the timeline, we could feel the presence of the Naga City, that like Palenque, Nah Chan, the House of the Serpent, houses serpentine beings that are the protectors and the custodians of an ancient library that will be revealed in 2020: the 7th gate of Light since the beginning of the New Cycle of Time in 2013.
As a closing we shared a Magenta Pomander that was born on June 21st, when the installation of the Galactic Tree of Life was taking place at the Crown of Crown chakra of the Chakra Path.
A simple but heartfelt ceremony followed that was a preparation for what took place in the next days: a course taught by Stephanie and me on the Galactic Tree of Life and a celebration of the Day Out of Time on the land. The students here had a direct experience of their Archetypes on the Galactic Tree of Life; with the rituals of water and fire, at the Heart Chakra Pond where 7 pink water lilies were opening, and at the Shiva Lingam where the matrices of the year were burned with what the students wanted to let go in order to get ready for the energy of the New Year, Blue Spectral Storm.
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